4.5 Questionnaire Design


The approach used in asking questions as well as the physical appearance (in a self-administered questionnaire) can affect the response rate. Time and effort invested in developing a good questionnaire always pay off with more usable data. The following section offers some useful suggestions.


4.5.1 Introduction


One way to increase response rate in any type of survey is to prepare a persuasive introduction to the survey. Backstrom and Hursh-Cesar (1981) suggest six principles for writing a successful introduction to a questionnaire; namely, the introduction should be short, realistically worded, nonthreatening, serious, neutral, and pleasant, but firm.


Generally speaking, there is no need to explain the purpose or value of a survey to respondents. It is also not necessary to tell respondents how long the survey will take to complete. In a telephone survey, telling the respondents that "the survey will take only a few minutes" gives them the opportunity to say they don't have that long to talk. An introduction should be short so the respondent can begin writing answers, or the interviewer can start asking questions. An effective introduction for a telephone survey is:

"Hello, my name is --------- with [INSERT COMPANY NAME]. We're conducting an opinion survey about radio in the Chicago area. We're not trying to sell anything, and this is not a contest or promotion. We're interested only in your opinions. For this survey, we need to talk to people who are between the ages of 25 and 49. Are you in this group? [IF 'YES,' CONTINUE. IF 'NO,' ASK FOR SOMEONE WHO IS. IF NO ONE IN AGE GROUP, TERMINATE]."


With some modifications, the same introduction is appropriate for a self-administered questionnaire. The introduction would include the second and fourth sentences and add at the end:

"Please answer the questions as completely and honestly as possible."


The goal of the introduction in telephone surveys is to start the interview as quickly as possible so the respondent does not have a chance to say "No" and hang up. This may sound overly aggressive, but it works. The goal of the introduction in self-administered questionnaires is to make it as simple as possible.


Regardless of the survey approach used, a well-constructed introduction usually generates higher response rates than a simple" Please answer the following questions...."


4.5.2 Instructions


All instructions necessary to complete the questionnaire should be clearly stated for respondents or interviewers. These instructions vary depending on the type of survey conducted. Mail surveys usually require the most specific instructions, since respondents are not able to ask questions about the survey. Respondents and interviewers should understand whether the correct response consists of circling, checking, placing in a specific order, or skipping an item.


Procedural instructions for respondents are often highlighted using a different typeface, capital letters, or some graphic device, perhaps arrows or lines. The following is an example from a mail survey:

Do you have a favorite radio station that you listen to most of the time?

     ---- Yes            ---- No

 If yes, can you remember the names of any of the disc jockeys or newscasters who work for that station? WRITE THE NAMES BELOW.


Some questionnaires require respondents to rank a list of items. In this case, the instructions must clearly describe which response represents the highest value:

Please rate the following professions in order of importance to you. Place a 1 next to the profession you prefer most, a 2 next to the profession in second place, and so on up to 5.


¨      Doctors

¨      Engineers

¨      Policemen

¨      Teachers


The following suggestions should be taken into account for putting together a self-administered questionnaire:

1.      The questionnaire must be self-explanatory.

2.      Questionnaires should be limited to closed-ended items. Checking a box or circling an answer should be the only task required.

3.      The question forms should be few in number.

4.      The questionnaire should be typed and laid out to ensure a clear and uncluttered product.

5.      Instructions should be kept to a minimum. If people can be confused about what they are supposed to do, they will be.


The second point in the above suggestions is strict. Respondents are usually able to answer open-ended questions with the same ease (or complication) as closed-ended questions.


Whether open-ended or closed-ended, all questions should be tested in a pretest to determine whether directions for answering questions are clear.


Procedural instructions for interviewers are often typed in capital letters and enclosed in parentheses, brackets, or boxes. For example, instructions for a telephone survey might look like this:


We'd like to start by asking you some things about television. First, what are your favorite TV shows?


RECORD ALL NAMES OF TV SHOWS. PROBE WITH "ARE THERE ANY MORE?" TO GET AT LEAST THREE SHOWS.1.            1._________________                     3.  _________________

2._________________                   4.  _________________



Screener questions, or filter questions, which are used to eliminate unwanted respondents (or to include only respondents who have specific characteristics or answer questions in a specific manner), often require respondents or interviewers to skip one or more questions. Skips must be clearly specified. For example:


In a typical week, do you listen to AM radio?

____ Yes

____ No   [SKIP TO Q. 17]


A survey using this question might be designed to question only subjects who listen to AM radio. The screener question immediately determines if the subject falls into this group. If the respondent responds "No", the interviewer (or respondent if the survey is self-administered) skips a certain number of questions, or may terminate the survey immediately.


When interviewers are used, as is the case with telephone and one-on-one interviews, the questionnaires must have easy-to-follow instructions (including how many responses to take for open-ended questions), simple skip patterns, and enough space to record answers (if survey responses are written down on paper). Telephone questionnaires must include everything an interviewer will say, including introductions, explanations, definitions, transitions, and pronunciations. The last point is particularly important because interviewers should sound like they know the topic. For example, the rock group INXS should have a phonetic spelling in parentheses; (n excess), following its first appearance in the questionnaire. Otherwise, some interviewer is sure to say something like: "Do you think music by the group 'Inks' should be played on your favorite radio station?"


All instructions should be clear and simple. A confusing questionnaire impairs the effectiveness of the interviewer, lowers the number of respondents who complete the test, and, in the long run, increases costs.


4.5.3 Question Order


All surveys flow better when the initial questions are simple and easy to answer. Researchers often include one or two "warm-up" questions about the topic under investigation so respondents become accustomed to answering questions and begin thinking about the survey topic. Preliminary questions can also serve as motivation to create interest in the questionnaire. Demographic data, personal questions, and other sensitive items should be placed at the end of the questionnaire to allow the interviewer to establish a rapport with each respondent, or for any suspicions to be alleviated in a self-administered questionnaire. Although some respondents may still refuse to answer personal items, or may hang up the telephone, at least the main body of data is already collected. Age and sex information are usually included in the first part of a questionnaire, so at least some respondent identification is possible.


The questionnaire should be organized in a logical sequence, proceeding from the general to the specific. Questions on similar topics should be grouped together, and the transitions between different question sections should be clear and logical.


Poor question order may bias a respondent's answers. For example, suppose that after several questions about the presence of violence in society, the respondent is asked to rank the major problems facing the country today from the following list:

¨      War

¨      Communism

¨      Violence on TV

¨      High prices

¨      Corrupt government

¨      Pollution


It is possible that violence on television might receive a higher ranking than it would if the ranking question had been asked before the series of questions on violence. Or, to take another example, suppose a public relations researcher is attempting to discover the public's attitudes toward a large oil company. If the questionnaire beginning with attitudinal questions concerning oil spills and inflated profits asked respondents to rate certain oil companies, it is likely that the ratings of all the companies would be lower, due to general impressions created by the earlier questions.


There is no easy solution for the problem of question "contamination." Obviously, some questions have to be asked before others. Perhaps the best approach for researchers is to be sensitive to the problem and test for it in a pretest. If they think that question order A, B, C may have biasing effects, they should test another version using the order C, B, A. Completely neutral positioning is not always possible, however, and when bias may enter because of how responses are ordered, the list of items should be rotated. The word [ROTATE] after a question indicates that the interviewer must alter the order of responses for each respondent.  Different versions of question order can be printed for self-administered questionnaires.


4.5.4 Layout


The physical design of the questionnaire is another important factor in survey research. A badly typed, poorly reproduced questionnaire is not likely to attract many responses in a mail survey. Nor does a cramped questionnaire with 40 questions to a page help to instill respondents with a positive attitude. Response categories should be adequately spaced and presented in a nonconfusing manner. For example, the following format might lead to problems:


There are too many commercials on television.

 Do you strongly agree ______ Agree ______ Have no opinion _____

 Disagree ______ Strongly disagree.


A more effective and less confusing method is to provide a vertical ordering of the response choices:


There are too many commercials on television.

-    Strongly disagree

-    Agree

-    No opinion

-    Disagree

-    Strongly disagree


Some researchers recommend avoiding blanks altogether because respondents and interviewers tend to make large check marks or X's that cover more than one blank, making interpretation difficult. If blanks are perceived as a problem, boxes to check or numbers to circle are satisfactory. In any case, the response form should be consistent throughout the questionnaire. Format changes generally create confusion for both respondents and interviewers. Finally, each question must have enough space for answers. This is especially true for open-ended questions. Nothing is more discouraging to respondents and interviewers than to be confronted with a presentation like the following.


Why do you go to the movies? _________________

Who are your favorite movie stars? _____________

What are your favorite television shows? ________

If a research budget does not allow for enough paper, subjects should be asked to add further comments on the back of the survey.


4.5.5 Questionnaire Length


Questionnaire length is an important concern in any type of survey. One basic reason is that questionnaire length is directly related to completion rate. Long questionnaires cause fatigue and respondent mortality, and low completion rates. Shorter questionnaires guarantee higher completion rates.


There are no strict guidelines to help in deciding how long a questionnaire should be. The length depends on a variety of things. Some of these include:

  1. Purpose of the survey

  2. Type of problems or questions investigated

  3. Age of respondents involved in the survey

  4. Type and complexity of questions in the questionnaire

  5. Location in the country where the study is conducted

  6. Specific setting of the testing situation

  7. Time of year

  8. Time of day

  9. Type of interviewer used (professional or amateur)


In most cases, questionnaire length is determined by trial and error. A survey developed with significantly less than 100% respondent completion is too long. The authors' experience during the past 10 years has shown the following time limits as maximum:


Self-administered in a group Situation supervised by a

Researcher:                                       60 min.

One-on-one interviews:                    60 min.

Telephone:                                         25 min.

Self-administered mail survey:        20 min.

Shopping center intercept:               15 min.


Telephone interviewing can be a difficult approach to use because there is a talent required in keeping people on the phone to answer questions. Professional interviewers can usually hold respondents' attention for about 25 minutes. There is a severe drop-off in incidence (respondents hang up) when an interview lasts more than 25 minutes.

4.6 Pretesting


Without a doubt, the best way to discover whether a research instrument is adequately designed is to pretest it. That is, conduct a mini-study with a small sample to determine if the study approach is correct and for refining questions. Areas of misunderstanding or confusion can be easily corrected without wasting time or money.


There are several ways to pretest a questionnaire. When an acceptable draft of the questionnaire is completed, a focus group (Chapter 7) can be used to discuss the questionnaire with potential respondents. However, this is usually too expensive. The best pretest in telephone surveys is to have interviewers call 10-20 people and do a run-through. Any problems emerge quickly. Self-administered questionnaires should be pretested with the type of respondent who will participate in the actual study. Once again, any problems should be noticed immediately.


In any type of pretesting situation, it is appropriate to discuss the project with respondents after the questionnaire is completed. They can be asked if they understood the questions, whether questions were simple to answer, and so on. Respondents are always willing to help researchers.

4.7 Gathering Survey Data


Once a questionnaire is developed and one or more pretests or pilot studies have been conducted, the next step is to gather data from an appropriate group of respondents. There are four basic methods for doing this: the mail survey, the telephone survey, the personal interview, and group administration. Researchers can also use variations and combinations of these four methods, such as disk-by-mail surveys and mall interviews. Each procedure has definite advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before a choice is made. The remainder of this chapter highlights the characteristics of each method.


4.7.1 Mail Surveys



Mail surveys involve mailing self-administrable questionnaires to a sample of individuals. Stamped reply envelopes are enclosed to encourage respondents to mail completed questionnaires back to the researcher. Mail surveys are popular because they can secure a great deal of data with a minimum expenditure of time and money. At the outset, however, researchers should be aware that respondents are busy people with many demands on their time. Consequently, many people do not share the researcher's enthusiasm for questionnaires and often simply throw them away.


The general stages of a mail survey are discussed below. Even though the steps are listed in numerical sequence, many of these tasks are often accomplished in a different order or even simultaneously.


1. Select a sample: Sampling is generally done from a prepared frame (Chapter 4) that contains the names and addresses of potential respondents. The most common sampling frame used is the mailing list, a compilation of names and addresses in narrowly defined groupings that commercial firms sometimes prepare (see accompanying boxed material).


2. Construct the questionnaire: As discussed earlier, mail survey questionnaires must be concise and specific, since no interviewer is present to alleviate misunderstandings, answer questions, or give directions.


3. Write a cover letter: A brief note explaining the purpose and importance of the questionnaire usually increases response rates.


4. Assemble the package: The questionnaires, cover letters, and return envelopes are stuffed into mailing envelopes. Researchers sometimes choose to use bulk mail with first-class return envelopes. An alternate method is to send questionnaires first class and use business reply envelopes for responses. This method allows researchers to pay postage only for the questionnaires actually returned. Postal options always depend on the research budget.


5. Mail the surveys.


6. Closely monitor the return rates.


7. Send follow-up mailings: The first follow-up should be sent 2 weeks after the initial mailing, and a second (if necessary) 2 weeks after the first. The follow-up letters can be sent to the entire sample or only the subjects who failed to answer.


8. Tabulate and analyze the data.


A) Advantages

Mail surveys cover a wide geographic area for a rather reasonable cost. They are often the only way to gather information from people who live in hard-to-reach areas of the country (or in other countries). Mail surveys also allow for selective sampling through the use of specialized mailing lists. In addition to those mentioned, lists are available that include only people with annual incomes exceeding $50,000, or consumers who have bought a car within the past year, or subscribers to a particular magazine, or residents of a specific zip code area. If researchers need to collect information from a highly specialized audience, the mail technique can be quite attractive.


Another advantage of the mail survey is that it provides anonymity, so that subjects are more likely to answer sensitive questions candidly. Questionnaires can be completed at home or in the office, affording subjects a certain sense of privacy. People can answer questions at their own pace and have an opportunity to look up facts or check past information. Mail surveys also eliminate interviewer bias, since there is no personal contact.



Probably the biggest advantage of this method, however, is its relatively low cost. Mail surveys do not require a large staff of trained workers. The only costs are for printing, mailing lists, envelopes, and postage. If the cost per completed questionnaire were to be computed, it is likely that the mail survey would prove to be the most inexpensive of all the survey methods. At a minimum, it can be said that researchers who are willing to spend time, energy, and money in a mail survey can usually ensure an above-average return rate.


B) Disadvantages

First, mail questionnaires must be self-explanatory. There is no interviewer present to answer questions or to clear up misunderstandings. Mail surveys are also the slowest form of data collection. Returns start to trickle in around a week or so after the initial mailing and continue to arrive for several weeks thereafter. In fact, it may be months before some responses are returned. Many researchers simply set a cutoff date, after which returns are not included in the analysis.

Another problem with mail surveys is that researchers never know exactly who answers the questions. A survey sent to corporate executives, for example, may be completed by assistants. Furthermore, replies are often received only from people who are interested in the survey, and this injects bias into the results. Most researchers agree, however, that the biggest disadvantage of the mail survey is the typically low return rate. A typical survey (depending on the area and type of survey) will achieve a response rate of 20% - 40%. This low return casts doubt on the reliability of the findings.


C) Increasing Response Rates

A number of procedures for improving return rates have been investigated by survey researchers. There are no hard and fast guarantees, however, in a meta-analysis (the findings of several studies are treated as independent observations and combined to calculate an overall or average effect) of numerous studies concerning mail surveys. Previous studies have shown that on the average, response rates can be increased in a variety of ways. In descending order of importance. It was also found that following procedures to increase mail survey response rates: university sponsorship, stamped return postage as opposed to business reply, written prenotification of the survey sent to the respondent, postcard follow-up, first-class outgoing postage, questionnaire color (green paper as opposed to white), notification of cutoff date, and stamped outgoing postage as compared to metered stamping. Offering monetary incentives also increases response rates, but the authors did not pursue this area since only a few studies offering incentives were available to them.


The authors further suggest that additional research is required to determine which combinations of the procedures, if any, can have an interactive effect to increase response rates even more than any single element does alone.


4.7.2 Telephone Surveys


Telephone surveys and personal interviews must employ trained members of a research team to ask questions orally and record the responses. The respondents generally do not get a chance to see the actual questionnaire. Since telephone and personal interviewing techniques have certain similarities, much of what follows applies to personal interviews as well.


Telephone surveys seem to fill a middle ground between mail surveys and personal interviews. They offer more control and higher response rates than most mail surveys but are limited in the types of questions that can be used. They are generally more expensive than mail surveys but less expensive than face-to-face interviews. Because of these factors, telephone surveys seem to represent a compromise between the other two techniques, and this may account for their growing popularity in mass media research.


Interviewers are extremely important to both telephone and personal surveys. An interviewer ideally should function as a neutral medium through which the respondents' answers are communicated to the researcher. The interviewer's presence and manner of speaking should not influence respondents' answers in any way. Adequate training and instruction can minimize bias that the interviewer might inject into the data. For example, if he or she shows disdain or shock over an answer, it is unlikely that the respondent will continue to answer questions in a totally honest manner. Showing agreement with certain responses might prompt similar answers to other questions. Skipping questions, carelessly asking questions, and being impatient with the respondent might also cause problems. To minimize interviewer bias, the interviewers should follow the following recommendations:


  1. Read the questions exactly as worded. Ask them in the exact order listed. Skip questions only when the instructions on the questionnaire tell you to. There are no exceptions to this.

  2. Never suggest an answer, try to explain a question, or imply what kind of reply is wanted. Don't prompt in any way.

  3. If a question is not understood, say, "Let me read it again," and repeat it slowly and clearly. If it is still not understood, report a "no answer."

  4. Report answers and comments exactly as given, writing fully. If an answer seems vague or incomplete, probe with neutral questions, such as, "Will you explain that?" or, "How do you mean that?" Sometimes just waiting a bit will tell the respondent you want more information.


  1. Act interested, alert, and appreciative of the respondent's cooperation. But never comment on his or her replies. Never express approval, disapproval, or surprise. Even an "Oh" can cause a respondent to hesitate or refuse to answer further questions. Never talk up or down to a respondent.

  2. Follow all instructions carefully, whether you agree with them or not.

  3. Thank each respondent. Leave a good impression for the next interviewer.


A general procedure for conducting a telephone survey follows. Again, the steps are presented in numerical order, but it is possible to address many tasks simultaneously.


1. Select a sample. Telephone surveys require researchers to specify clearly the geographic area to be covered and to identify the type of respondent to be interviewed in each household contacted. Many surveys are restricted to people over 18, heads of households, and so forth. The sampling procedure used depends on the purpose of the study.


2. Construct the questionnaire. Phone surveys require straightforward and uncomplicated response options. Ranking a long list of items is especially difficult over the telephone, and this task should be avoided. In addition, the length of the survey should not exceed 10 minutes for nonprofessional interviewers. Longer interviews require professionals who are capable of keeping people on the telephone.


3. Prepare an interviewer instruction manual. This document should cover the basic mechanics of the survey (what numbers to call, when to call, how to record times, and so on). It should also specify which household member to interview and should provide general guidelines on how to ask the questions and how to record the responses.


4. Train the interviewers. Interviewers need to practice going through the questionnaire to become familiar with all the items, response options, and instructions. It is best to train interviewers in a group using interview simulations that allow each person to practice asking questions. It is advisable to pretest interviewers as well as the questionnaire.


5. Collect the data. Data collection is most efficient when conducted from one central location (assuming enough telephone lines are available). Problems that develop are easier to remedy, and important questions raised by one interviewer can easily be communicated to the rest of the group. A central location also makes it easier for researchers to check (validate) the interviewers' work. The completion rate should also be monitored during this stage.


6. Make necessary callbacks. Additional calls (usually no more than two) should be made to respondents whose lines were busy or who did not answer during the first session. Callbacks done on a different day or night tend to have a greater chance of success in reaching someone willing to be interviewed.


When the first call produces a busy signal, the rule is to wait one-half hour before calling again. If the first call produced a "no answer," wait 2 to 3 hours before calling again, assuming it will still be a reasonable hour to call. If evening calls produce no answer, call during the following day.

In addition, interviewers should keep track of the disposition or status of their sample numbers. Figure 4.2 contains a sample disposition sheet.

Figure 4.2: Sample disposition sheet

Sample   Telephone   Interview   Disposition   Sheet


Phone number _________________

Call #1 ___ #2 ___ #3 ___ #4 ___ #5 ___

Date ___ Date ___ Date ___ Date ___ Date ___

Time ___ Time ___ Time ___ Time ___ Time ___


1 Completed interview

2 Answering machine

3 Busy

4 No answer

5 Refusal

6 Appointment to call again

    (when _________________)

7 Nonworking number (out of order, disconnected, nonexistent)

8 Nonresidential number

9 Reached but respondent not available (out of town, hospital, etc.)

10 Reached but not interviewed (ineligible household, speech or physical problem, age disqualification)


7. Verify the results. When all questionnaires have been completed, a small sub sample of each interviewer's respondents should be called again to check that the information they provided was accurately recorded. Respondents should be told during the initial survey that they may receive an additional call at a later date. This tends to eliminate any confusion when subjects receive a second call. A typical procedure is to ask the subject's first name in the interview so that it can be used later. The interviewer should ask, "Was James called a few days ago and asked questions about television viewing?" The verification can begin from there, and need consist of only two or three of the original questions (preferably open-ended and sensitive questions, since interviewers are most likely to omit these).

8. Tabulate the data. Along with the normal data analysis, telephone researchers generally compute a response rate: how many completed interviews, how many refusals, how many no-answers, and how many disconnects.


A) Advantages

The cost of telephone surveys tends to be reasonable. The sampling involves minimal expense, and there are no elaborate transportation costs. Callbacks are simple and economical. Wide Area Telephone Service (W\TS) enables researchers to conduct telephone surveys on a nationwide basis from any location.


Compared to mail surveys, telephone surveys can include more detailed questions, and, as stated earlier, interviewers can clarify misunderstandings that might arise during the administration of the questionnaire.


The nonresponse rate of a telephone survey is generally low, especially when multiple callbacks are employed. In addition, phone surveys are much faster than mail. A large staff of interviewers can collect the data from the designated sample in a relatively short time.


In summary, phone surveys tend to be fast, easy, and relatively inexpensive.


B) Disadvantages

First of all, researchers must recognize that much of what is called survey "research" by telephone is not research at all, but an attempt to sell people something. Unfortunately, many companies disguise their sales pitch as a "survey," and this has made respondents suspicious and even prompts some to terminate an interview before it has gotten started. Additionally, visual questions are prohibited. A researcher cannot, for example, hold up a picture of a product and ask if the respondent remembers seeing it advertised. A potentially severe problem is that not everyone in a community is listed in the telephone directory, the most often used sampling frame. Not everyone has a phone, and many people have unlisted phone numbers; also, some numbers are listed incorrectly, and others are too new to be listed. These problems would not be serious if the people with no phones or unlisted numbers were just like those listed in the phone book. Unfortunately, researchers generally have no way of checking for such similarities or differences, so it is possible that a sample obtained from a telephone directory may be significantly different from the population.


4.7.3 Personal Interviews



Personal interviews usually involve inviting a respondent to a field service location or research office (called a one-on-one interview). Sometimes interviews are conducted at a person's place of work or at home. There are two basic types of interviews, structured and unstructured. In a structured interview, standardized questions are asked in a predetermined order; relatively little freedom is given to interviewers. In an unstructured interview, broad questions are asked, which allows interviewers freedom in determining what further questions to ask to obtain the required information. Structured interviews are easy to tabulate and analyze but do not achieve the depth or expanse of unstructured interviews. Conversely, the unstructured type elicits more detail but takes a great deal of time to score and analyze.


The steps in constructing a personal interview survey are similar to those for a telephone survey. The list below discusses instances in which the personal interview differs substantially from the telephone method.


1. Select a sample. Drawing a sample for a personal interview is essentially the same as sample selection in any other research method. In one-on-one interviews, respondents are selected on the basis of a predetermined set of screening requirements. In door-to-door interviews, a multistage sample is used to first select a general area, then a block or neighborhood, and finally randomly select a household from which a person will be chosen.


2. Construct the questionnaire. Personal interviews are flexible: detailed questions are easy to ask, and the time taken to complete the survey can be greatly extended (many personal interviews last 30-60 minutes). Researchers can also make use of visual exhibits, lists, and photographs to ask questions, and respondents can be asked to sort photos or materials into categories, or to point to their answers on printed cards. Respondents can have privacy and anonymity by marking ballots, which can then be slipped into envelopes and sealed.


3. Prepare an interviewer instruction guide. The detail of an instruction guide depends on the type of interview. One-on-one interviewer guides are not very detailed because there is only one location, respondents are prerecruited by a field service, and times are arranged. Door-to-door interviewer guides contain information about the household to select, the respondent to select, and what to do in the event the target respondent is not at home. Interviewer guides often contain information about how to conduct the interview, how to dress, how to record data, and how questions should be asked.


4. Train the interviewers. Training is important because the questionnaires are longer and more detailed. Interviewers should receive instruction on establishing a rapport with subjects, administrative details (when to conduct the interviews, how long each will take, and how much the interviewers will be paid), and follow-up questions. Several practice sessions are necessary to ensure that the goal of the project is met and that interviewers follow the established guidelines.


5. Collect the data. Personal interviews are both labor and cost intensive. These problems are why most researchers prefer to use telephone or mail surveys. A personal interview project can take several days to several weeks to complete because turnaround is slow. One interviewer can only complete a handful of surveys each day. In addition, costs for salaries and expenses escalate quickly. It is not uncommon for some research companies to charge as much as $1,000 per respondent in a one-on-one situation.


Data gathering is accomplished by either writing down answers or by audio taping or videotaping the respondents' answers. Both methods are slow and detailed transcriptions and editing are often necessary.


6. Make necessary callbacks. Each callback requires an interviewer to return to a household originally selected or the location used for the original interview. Additional salary, expenses, and time are required.


7. Verify the results. As with telephone surveys, a sub sample of each interviewer's completed questionnaires is selected for verification. Respondents can be called on the phone or re-interviewed in person.


8. Tabulate the data. Data tabulation procedures for personal interviews are essentially the same as with any other research method. A codebook must be designed, questionnaires are coded, and data input into a computer.


A) Advantages

Many of the advantages of the personal interview technique have already been mentioned. It is the most flexible means of obtaining information, since the face-to-face situation lends itself easily to questioning in greater depth and detail. Furthermore, some information can be observed by the interviewer during the interview without adding to the length of the questionnaire. Additionally, the interviewers can develop a rapport with the respondents and may be able to get replies to sensitive questions that would remain unanswered in a mail or phone survey.


The identity of the respondent is known or can be controlled in the personal interview survey. Whereas in a mail survey it is possible that all members of a family might confer on an answer, in a face-to-face interview, this can usually be avoided. Finally, once an interview has begun, it is harder for respondents to terminate the interview before all the questions have been asked. In a phone survey, all the subject needs to do is to hang up.



B) Disadvantages

As mentioned, time and costs are the major drawbacks to the personal interview technique. Another major disadvantage is the problem of interviewer bias. The physical appearance, age, race, sex, dress, nonverbal behavior, and/or comments of the interviewer may prompt respondents to answer questions untruthfully. Moreover, the organization necessary for recruiting, training, and administering a field staff of interviewers is much greater than that required for other data collection procedures. If large numbers of interviewers are needed, it is usually necessary to employ field supervisors to coordinate their work, which in turn will make the survey even more expensive. Finally, if personal interviews are conducted during the day, most of the respondents will not be employed outside the home. If it is desirable to interview respondents with jobs outside the home, it is necessary to schedule interviews on the weekends or during the evening. A hybrid of personal interviewing is intensive or in-depth interviewing.


4.7.4 Mail Interviews



Although mail interviews are essentially a form of personal interview as just discussed, their recent popularity and widespread use warrant individual consideration.

During the late 1980s, mall intercepts became one of the most popular research approaches among marketing and consumer researchers. Studies found that of all people who participated in a survey in 1984, 33% were mall intercepts. 


Although mall intercepts use convenience samples and sampling error cannot be determined, the method has become the standard for many researchers. It is rare to go into a shopping mall without seeing a man or woman with a clipboard trying to interview a shopper. The method has become commonplace, and some shoppers resent the intrusion. In fact, it is common for shoppers to take paths to avoid the interviewers they can so easily detect.


By the way, purposely avoiding an interviewer isn't necessary. There is another way out if you don't wish to take the time for the interview. Remember from previous discussions that all research requires specific types of people — a screener is developed to eliminate respondents who do not qualify. Nearly every questionnaire has security screening questions to eliminate respondents who work for a company in any way related to the company sponsoring the study, or anyone who works for a marketing research firm. The last part of the security screener is your way out. When the interviewer stops you, simply say, "I work for a marketing research company." Your chances of being recruited are very slim. We're not advocating the practice of lying here, just offering a suggestion. Mall interviewers are generally nice people. It's easier for them to hear the security bail-out than a caustic remark about their presence in the mall.


The procedures involved in conducting mail intercepts are the same as those for personal interviews. The only major difference is that it is necessary to locate the field service that conducts research in the particular mall of interest. Field services pay license fees to mall owners to allow them to conduct research on the premises. Not just any field service can conduct research in any mall.


A) Advantages

Mail intercepts are a quick and inexpensive way to collect personal interview data.



B) Disadvantages

Some of the major problems are: convenience sampling restricts the generalizability of the results, the length of  interviews must be short; and there is no control over data collection (researchers are at the mercy of the field service to conduct a proper job).


Disk-By-Mail Surveys


During the late 1980s, a high-tech form of mail surveys has been used that appears to offer promise in the future. The procedure is called disk-by-mail surveys, or DBM. The name of the survey approach essentially explains the procedure: respondents are sent computer disks that contain a self-administered questionnaire, and are asked to complete it by using a personal computer. This method obviously involves several new areas to consider when conducting a research project.

DBM surveys are essentially the same as a typical self-administered mail survey. The normal steps involved in problem definition, questionnaire design, and pretesting are used. However, there are several unique considerations researchers must address when using DBM.



Type of Study

Most DBM surveys are conducted with professionals or other business related samples. The reason is simple. Only about 20% of American households have personal computers. Sample selection would be time-consuming and costly. However, computer ownership will certainly increase in the future, and in-home DBM surveys may become commonplace. For the time being, DBM surveys are conducted with professionals who generally have access to personal computers in their workplace.



Sample Selection

Locating qualified respondents for DBM surveys is the same as for any other research project, except that in addition to the other screener questions, there must be one about the availability of a personal computer.







Computer Hardware

A typical self-administered mail survey requires that the respondent only have a writing instrument. DBM surveys complicate the process in several ways. First of all, computers can use one of several different operating systems, or languages, which run the computer (Chapter 17). Fortunately, the systems used by IBM and Apple are the most widely used. The problems with the two operating systems can be solved by preparing two different DBM disks, or by asking one of the groups of users to try and locate the other type of computer to complete the survey.


A second problem with the DBM method is whether to use a color or monochrome display to present the questionnaire. Not all color monitors are equal, and the color appearance may be drastically different from one monitor to another. A monochrome display is best to avoid problems.


The type of disk drive is a third problem. The screener must include questions about the type of drive (for example, 5.25 or 3.5) so respondents receive the correct disk format.


Another problem, and not necessarily the last, relates to problems respondents may have with the computer disks. Disks are fragile and may be damaged in the disk duplication process, in shipment, or by the respondent. Replacement disks may have to be sent to some respondents.




Because computer problems may occur, or respondents may be unable to complete the survey, most DBM surveys offer respondents a toll free number to call for assistance. This adds further costs to the project.






Reliability and Validity

Significant questions are raised about these two areas in relation to DBM surveys. Who actually completes the surveys? Are responses more or less accurate than those provided to interviewers or in typical mail interviews? Does the novelty of the approach have any effect on respondents?

As mentioned earlier, DBM surveys are a totally new approach in research. Not much is known about the procedure, but in all likelihood, DBM surveys will be used more frequently in the future.


4.7.5 Group Administration


Group administration combines the features of mail surveys and personal interviews. The group-administered survey takes place when a group of respondents is gathered together (pre-recruited by a field service) and given individual copies of a questionnaire, or asked to participate in a group interview (a large focus group). The session can take place in a natural setting, but is usually held at a field service location or a hotel ballroom. For example, respondents may be recruited to complete questionnaires about radio or television stations, students in a classroom may complete questionnaires about their newspaper reading habits, or an audience may be asked to answer questions after viewing a sneak preview of a new film.


The interviewer in charge of the session may or may not read questions to respondents. Reading questions aloud may help respondents who have reading problems, but this is not always necessary (it is possible to screen respondents for reading and/or language skills). The best approach is to have several interviewers present in the room so individual problems can be resolved without disturbing the other respondents.


Some group-administered sessions include audio and/or video materials for respondents to analyze. The session allows respondents to proceed at their own pace, and in most cases, interviewers allow respondents to ask questions, although this is not a requirement.


A) Advantages

The group administration technique has certain advantages. In the first place, a group-administered questionnaire can be longer than the typical questionnaire used in a mail survey. Since the respondents are usually assembled for the express purpose of completing the questionnaire, the response rates are almost always quite high. The opportunity for researchers to answer questions and handle problems that might arise generally means that fewer items are left blank or answered incorrectly.


B) Disadvantages

On the negative side, if a group-administered survey leads to the perception that the study is sanctioned by some authority, suspicion or uneasiness on the part of respondents might result. For example, if a group of teachers is brought together to fill out a questionnaire, some might think that the survey has the approval of the local school administration and that the results will be made available to their superiors. Also, the group environment makes it possible for interaction among the respondents; this has the potential for making the situation more difficult for the researcher to control. In addition, not all surveys can use samples that can be tested together in a group. Surveys often require responses from a wide variety of people, and mixing respondents together may bias the results.


Finally, group administration can be expensive. Costs usually include recruiting fees, coop payments, hotel rental, refreshments, and salaries for interviewers.



4.7.6 Achieving a Reasonable Response Rate



No matter what type of survey is conducted, it is virtually impossible to get a 100% response rate. Researchers have more control over the situation in some types of surveys (such as the personal interview) and less in others (such as the mail survey). But no matter what the situation, not all respondents will be available for interviews and not all will cooperate. Consequently, the researcher must try to achieve the highest response rate possible under the circumstances.


What constitutes an acceptable response rate? Obviously, the higher the response rate the better, since as more respondents are sampled, it becomes less likely that response bias is present. But is there a minimum rate that should be achieved? Not everyone would agree on an answer to this question, but there are some helpful data available. Several studies have calculated the average response rates for surveys of various kinds. A comparison with these figures can at least tell a researcher if a given response rate is above or below the norm. For example, Dillman (1978) noted that response rates for face-to-face interviews have dropped sharply in recent years. In the 1960s, the average rate was 80%-85%. More recently, the completion rates of general population samples interviewed by the face-to-face technique is about 60%-65%. Yu and Cooper (1983) studied the completion rates reported in 93 social science journal articles from 1965 to 1981. They found the completion rate for personal interviews to be 82% and for telephone surveys about 72%. Mail surveys had an average completion rate of about 47%. (Note that many of the personal interviews included in this study were done in the 1960s and early 1970s. This should be kept in mind when comparing these figures to Dillman's data mentioned above.)


Regardless of how good the response rate, the researcher is responsible for examining any possible biases in response patterns. Were females more likely to respond than males? Older respondents more likely than younger ones? Whites more likely than nonwhites? A significant lack of response from a particular group might weaken the strength of any inferences from the data to the population under study. To be on the safe side, the researcher should attempt to gather information from other sources about the people who did not respond; by comparing such additional data with those from respondents, it should be possible to determine whether under representation introduced any bias into the results.


Using common sense will help increase the response rate. In phone surveys, respondents should be called when they are likely to be at home and receptive to interviewing. Don't call when people are likely to be eating or asleep. In a one-on-one situation, the interviewer should be appropriately attired. In addition, the researcher should spend time tracking down some of the nonrespondents and asking them why they refused to be interviewed or did not fill out the questionnaire. Responses such as "The interviewer was insensitive and pushy," "The questionnaire was delivered with postage due," and "The survey sounded like a ploy to sell something" can be quite illuminating.


Along with common sense, certain elements of the research design can have a significant impact on response rates. Yu and Cooper (1983) in their survey of 93 published studies discovered the following.

  1. Monetary incentives increased the response, with larger incentives being the most effective. Nonmonetary incentives (for example, ballpoint pens) were also helpful.

  2. Preliminary notification, personalization of the questionnaire, follow-up letter, and assertive "foot-in-the-door" personal interview techniques all significantly increased the response rate.

  3. Things that were not significantly related to an increased response rate were a cover letter, assurance of anonymity, and stating a deadline.

  4. Stressing the social utility of the study and appealing to the respondent to help out the researcher did not affect response rates.

4.8 General Problems in Survey Research



Although surveys are valuable tools in mass media research, there are problems present in any survey. Experience in survey research confirms the following points:


1.      Subjects or respondents are often unable to recall information about themselves or their activities. This inability may be caused by memory failure, nervousness related to being involved in a research study, confusion about the questions asked, or some other intervening factor. Questions that are glaringly simple to researchers may create severe problems for respondents.

For example, during focus group sessions, radio station managers often ask the moderator to ask respondents which radio stations they have set on their vehicle's radio. The managers are surprised to discover how many people not only do not know which stations are programmed on their radio buttons, but how many do not know how many buttons are on their radio. Radio general managers and program directors worry about the finite aspects of their radio station, and many average listeners don't know if they have five or six (or any) buttons on their radio.

2.      Due to a respondent's feelings of inadequacy or lack of knowledge about a particular topic, they often provide "prestigious" answers rather than admit they don't know something. This is called prestige bias. For example, when respondents claim to watch public TV and listen to public radio, when, in fact, they don't.

3.      Subjects may purposely deceive researchers by giving incorrect answers to questions. Almost nothing can be done about respondents who knowingly lie. A large sample may discount this type of response. However, there is no acceptable and valid method to determine whether a respondent's answers are truthful; the answers must be accepted as they are given.

4.      Respondents often give elaborate answers to simple questions because they try to "figure out" the purpose of a study, and what the researcher is doing. People are naturally curious, but become more so when they are the focus of a scientific research project.

5.      Surveys are often complicated by the inability of respondents to explain their true feelings, perceptions, and beliefs — not because they don't have any, but because they can't put them into words. The question "Why do you like to watch soap operas?" may be particularly difficult for some people. They may watch them every day, but respond only by saying "Because I like them." Probing respondents for further information may help, but not in every case.


Survey research can be an exciting process. It's fun to find out why people think certain ways, or what they do in certain situations. But researchers must continually be aware of obstacles that may hinder data collection, and deal with these problems. The United States is the most surveyed country in the world, and many citizens now refuse to take part in any type of research project. Researchers must convince respondents and subjects that their help is important in decision making and solving problems.


The face of survey research is continually changing. One-on-one and door-to-door interviews are now very difficult to accomplish. This means there is a greater emphasis on mail surveys, mall intercepts, and electronic data gathering procedures. In telephone surveys, for example, computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) is now common.


CATI uses video display terminals operated by interviewers to present questions and accept respondent answers, thus eliminating the need for the traditional pencil-and-paper questionnaires. The computer displays the proper questions in the proper order, eliminating the possibility of the interviewer making an error by asking the wrong questions or skipping the right ones. The respondent's answers are entered by the interviewer through the keyboard, making data coding much easier. Groves and Mathiow-etz (1984) found that there was little difference in results from using CATI and non-CATI techniques. The response rates, reactions of the interviewers and respondents, and quality of data were virtually equivalent. CATI interviews tended to take slightly more time, but this was balanced by the presence of fewer interviewer errors due to skipping questions. As new software is developed in this area, it seems likely that a greater proportion of surveys will use the CATI technique.


Other areas of change include computer-generated, voice-synthesized surveys where respondents answer by pushing Touch-Tone telephone buttons; 800 telephone numbers for recruited respondents to call to answer questions asked by an interviewer or computer; and various types of touch sensitive TV screens that present questionnaires to respondents. Survey research is changing very quickly.